The Double Bass Pickup:


The Vektor™ Kontramike picks up the vibrations directly from the top of the bass and not only from the bridge. It is a contact microphone which transduces much more the body sound and not the string sound like many piezo pickups do. Therefore the amplified sound is far more natural. A change of the amp setup while switching from arco- to pizz-mode is unneccassary.

Mounting is easy and quickly done. By turning the fixation screw. which keeps the microphone capsule inside, the pickup is fixed and adjusted. Best results are reported from the position in the middle of the bridge between the feet. An impact on the acoustic sound is not worth mentioning. The Kontramike can be used on all bass bridges with arch heights between 6-9 cm (distance between top of the bridge arch and soundboard). It comes with 2 different extension pieces.

The Vektor Kontramike is 100% compatible with all Schertler-Electronics


! Caution !

The pickup needs 9V phantom power which can either be supplied by a suitable amplifier, a pre-amp with phantom power or you use...

In case of using 48V phantompower directly without adapter, the Kontramike will be overloaded and destroyed and no guarantee will be applicable!



Possible Basic-Kit "Jack"

Gürtel Preamp 9V Batterie

für Instrumentalverstärker

9V Phantom Power switch inside


Economy Phantom Power

Millenium Pocket Phantom Thomann

2 Channel DI-Box with 240V Power Supply

with either 12V and / or 48V Phantom Power


Our special recommendation:

Class A Preamp mit 240V Netzteil

Schertler Yello Single Preamp

with either 12V or 48V Phantom Power

Feel free to ask for further options!


Vektor Kontramike - Users

Detmar Kurig
Jost Drasler
Stefan Werni
Ludovico d’Apollo
Frank Willi Schmidt
Benoît Dunoyer de Segonzac
Jacques Loussier
Rosanna Zacharias
Karl Heinz Opriel
Esko Laine
Philharmonie Berlin
Marc Ramirez
Orchestra Gulbenkian/ Lisbon
Bruce Henry Leitman
Rio de Janeiro
Dominik Luderschmid
Eolo Taffi
Ari Kivelä
Arnulf Ballhorn
Komische Oper Berlin
Frank Tepel
Gerard McFadden
Paris/ France
Alberto Bocini
The Bass Gang
Giuseppe Ettore
La Scala di Milano
Jean Baptiste Salles
Orchestre de Pau
Jean-Pierre Lacroix
Sébastien Girard
Zbigniew Kozera
Rainer Wilkes


"The first pick-up with a perfect balance between pizz and arco sound.. A very natural and punchy woody sound..."

(Jacques Loussier trio)

Feedback from 2013

Hi Sven,

"The kontramike is INCREDIBLE!! I'm so happy with it. I often go straight into the front-of-house speakers at venues and it STILL sounds good which is great as it means I don't have to carry my amplifier everywhere. An Australian friend of mine was here over the last few days - he is a bass player too. He told me he is going to buy one too as he was so impressed with how it sounded! When he was playing I went and listened at the back of the room. The bass sound was perfect - so well-defined and even across all the strings!! Thanks again I hope you are well,

Feedback from 2021

Hi Sven,

I can’t recommend Vektor’s Kontramike enough! It is able to capture the acoustic sound of the bass whilst maintaining the fast response and high gain (without feedback!) of a traditional piezo pickup. Recently I was using it in a pop setting where I am required to play both pizz and arco. During sound check the sound engineer came up and examined the kontramike very closely- I assumed something was wrong. Not at all! He just couldn’t believe the clear and natural sound I was getting and wanted to know what was responsible for it. Thanks Sven! I couldn’t be happier with it.

Gerard McFadden/ Paris

click below for live sound samples:

Blue Monk - @ Monday Night Jam (2013-06-04)

live with Barbara Pravi - La femme - Les estivales de Culturebox

"Hallo Meister!
der pu ist große Klasse!!! echt mal!!! the pu is big class!!! really!!!
warum muss man manchmal immer so lange auf die Ideallösung warten?!?!? why sometimes you have to wait so long for the ideal solution?!?!?

Also: das beste Kompliment für den Vektor Kontramike-PU war vom Solocellisten: "ich dachte, Du spielst in dem Stück einen verstärkten Bass....!!! " Now: the best compliment for the Vektor Kontramike-PU came from the solo cellist: I thought, youi play this piece with an amplified bass...!!!"

Und der Einbau ist so geschmeidig und einfach..... And the installation is so smooth and easy....."

Arnulf Ballhorn/ Komische Oper Berlin



Feel free to contact the following adress

Kontrabasspunkt Viersen
Sven-Henrik Gawron
Marktstr. 5 · 41751 Viersen, Germany

Fon 0049 (0) 2162 / 53309

Mobile 0049 (0)177 5432938

Vat.Id.-Nr. DE 119136816 · WEEE Nr. DE 84193428


by appointment only